Guest Speaker, Rev. Shinji Seki of Honolulu Christian Church
Guest Speaker, Pastor Tsutomu Yaso of JIBC Phoenix
Today’s worship service was led by Pastor Tsutomu Yaso of JIBC Phoenix (Japanese International Baptist Church in Phoenix). He shared a message from Hebrews 1:1-2, entitled “God Speaks.” In his own testimony of salvation, he shared how his mother’s strong prayer of faith supported and influenced him greatly, how the Lord gave him special spiritual training and guidance even in the difficult financial situation after he graduated from seminary, and how God spoke to him and he faithfully followed His guidance when he had to move from Oregon to his appointment as pastor at JIBC in Phoenix, Arizona. We, too, were reminded to keep our spiritual eyes and ears open to what God’s plan is for us, and to come before the Lord asking for Him to speak to us. We are grateful to Mrs. Vi Yaso, too, for her inspiring interpretation of his message, and for her powerful prayers for our church members, and we were also very encouraged by the love and joyful service of the JIBC church leaders and volunteers who accompanied Pastor and Mrs. Yaso. We thank the Lord for the grace to continue to pray together to spread the Gospel in Arizona.
JCCT Blessed with a Special Handcrafted Cross
Brother Yabuki, a member of a sister church in the OMS Holiness Church of North America, recently presented our church with a handmade cross. Every year he makes handcrafted wooden ornaments for all the participants at the summer retreat held in Santa Barbara. This year he made a wooden ornament with the Japanese word for "Love," last year one that had the phrase "GOD IS LOVE, and the year before "GOD IS GOOD.”
Since July, we have been able to rent a chapel at a Korean church for our worship service, so every Sunday we place this prayerful and loving cross on the stage and remember how Jesus died on the cross to atone for our sins, and we all join our hearts together in worshipping God. We thank the Lord for this wonderful present!
Since July, we have been able to rent a chapel at a Korean church for our worship service, so every Sunday we place this prayerful and loving cross on the stage and remember how Jesus died on the cross to atone for our sins, and we all join our hearts together in worshipping God. We thank the Lord for this wonderful present!
The First Worship Service at the chapel of TTLC (Tucson True Light Church)
Every week since July 30 we have held Sunday Worship Service at Tucson True Light Church, a Korean church, renting their chapel. The service starts at 2:00 p.m.
Location: Tucson True Light Church
5550 E 1st Street, Tucson, AZ 85711
Location: Tucson True Light Church
5550 E 1st Street, Tucson, AZ 85711
Welcome Pastor Daniel & Mrs. Kayo Inoue!
Happy Easter!
Guest Speaker, Pastor Kazuo Ozaki
A Happy New Year!
Guest Speaker, Pastor Kazuo Ozaki and Special Guests from San Lorenzo Japanese Christian Church
Guest Speaker, Pastor Kazuo Ozaki & Thanksgiving lunch
Summer Retreat 7/5(Tue)-8(Fri) 2022
-OMS Holiness Church of North America
This year, the 101st Anniversary Summer Retreat was held again at Westmont College in Santa Barbara. Fourteen of us from JCCT church attended the retreat, and we were greatly blessed to praise the Lord with many brothers and sisters in the Lord from various Conference churches. The theme of the retreat was "Make the best use of the old and open up the new," and the theme scripture was Jeremiah 29:11. Each day began with an early morning worship service, followed by a noon seminar, then a time of fellowship and prayer in small groups, and in the evening, we were blessed to listen to messages given by Rev. Shunji Mizoguchi (Meeting 1), Rev. Makoto Okura (Meeting 2), and Rev. Shinji Seki (Meeting 3). In the midst of the Corona pandemic, a seeker who had been attending our weekly online Saturday prayer meetings and Bible study every other Thursday, as well as our online Sunday worship every week, received grace to accept the Lord Jesus and be baptized. We pray for God's mercy and abundant blessings on this sister in the Lord as she moves forward in her Christian life.
-OMS Holiness Church of North America
This year, the 101st Anniversary Summer Retreat was held again at Westmont College in Santa Barbara. Fourteen of us from JCCT church attended the retreat, and we were greatly blessed to praise the Lord with many brothers and sisters in the Lord from various Conference churches. The theme of the retreat was "Make the best use of the old and open up the new," and the theme scripture was Jeremiah 29:11. Each day began with an early morning worship service, followed by a noon seminar, then a time of fellowship and prayer in small groups, and in the evening, we were blessed to listen to messages given by Rev. Shunji Mizoguchi (Meeting 1), Rev. Makoto Okura (Meeting 2), and Rev. Shinji Seki (Meeting 3). In the midst of the Corona pandemic, a seeker who had been attending our weekly online Saturday prayer meetings and Bible study every other Thursday, as well as our online Sunday worship every week, received grace to accept the Lord Jesus and be baptized. We pray for God's mercy and abundant blessings on this sister in the Lord as she moves forward in her Christian life.
Sunday Worship Service in person and via ZOOM
In the midst of the Corona pandemic, we had the privilege of inviting Rev. Kazuo Ozaki and Mr. & Mrs. Wang, newly relocated to Tucson from California, to worship with us at the Enami’s house for our Sunday worship services, which we have continued to hold both in-person and via ZOOM. Mr. Wang has been teaching us "Christianity 101" Bible study every other Thursday through ZOOM. It has been a great spiritual blessing for our church, which is currently without a pastor, to be able to study God’s Word together, and we thank the Lord for his love and grace.
In the midst of the Corona pandemic, we had the privilege of inviting Rev. Kazuo Ozaki and Mr. & Mrs. Wang, newly relocated to Tucson from California, to worship with us at the Enami’s house for our Sunday worship services, which we have continued to hold both in-person and via ZOOM. Mr. Wang has been teaching us "Christianity 101" Bible study every other Thursday through ZOOM. It has been a great spiritual blessing for our church, which is currently without a pastor, to be able to study God’s Word together, and we thank the Lord for his love and grace.
Christmas Worship Service - Joint Service in English and Japanese
This year, we were able to offer a joint Christmas service in English and Japanese, both in person and via ZOOM. Due to the Corona protocols and the fact that we do not have a pastor, we have been holding the Sunday worship service in Japanese only at the house of a couple in our congregation since last August, instead of the chapel of the Lutheran church we have been renting. Those unable to attend in person are able to participate via Zoom. For the first time in a while, together with our English speaking brothers and sisters, we were blessed to watch a video message by Pastor Ichibei Honda of the San Diego Japanese Church entitled "Why Christmas?" We received God's special blessing to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus together with families who have moved to the East Coast and 21 people attending from Japan, where the local time was 2:00 am. We pray that God will use us to share the gospel with those He brings us to meet, keeping in mind daily that the atonement of the blood of His son Jesus was for my sins, and that He is alive today after being buried in the tomb and resurrected three days later. We pray from the bottom of our heart that God will use us to share the Gospel with those whom we meet.
This year, we were able to offer a joint Christmas service in English and Japanese, both in person and via ZOOM. Due to the Corona protocols and the fact that we do not have a pastor, we have been holding the Sunday worship service in Japanese only at the house of a couple in our congregation since last August, instead of the chapel of the Lutheran church we have been renting. Those unable to attend in person are able to participate via Zoom. For the first time in a while, together with our English speaking brothers and sisters, we were blessed to watch a video message by Pastor Ichibei Honda of the San Diego Japanese Church entitled "Why Christmas?" We received God's special blessing to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus together with families who have moved to the East Coast and 21 people attending from Japan, where the local time was 2:00 am. We pray that God will use us to share the gospel with those He brings us to meet, keeping in mind daily that the atonement of the blood of His son Jesus was for my sins, and that He is alive today after being buried in the tomb and resurrected three days later. We pray from the bottom of our heart that God will use us to share the Gospel with those whom we meet.
100 Day Prayer Meeting to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the OMS Holiness Church of North America
Praise the name of the Lord!
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the OMS Holiness Church of North America, and to remember the precious work of the Lord in the 100-year long history of the church, a 100-day prayer meeting is being held by the pastors and lay volunteers of the church. Today was the day that we all prayed especially for us, the Japanese Christian Church of Tucson ministry, so four of us from JCCT attended through ZOOM. Below is a report of our church's prayer requests and blessings. We would like to pray with one heart.
Praise the name of the Lord!
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the OMS Holiness Church of North America, and to remember the precious work of the Lord in the 100-year long history of the church, a 100-day prayer meeting is being held by the pastors and lay volunteers of the church. Today was the day that we all prayed especially for us, the Japanese Christian Church of Tucson ministry, so four of us from JCCT attended through ZOOM. Below is a report of our church's prayer requests and blessings. We would like to pray with one heart.
Online Summer Retreat on 7/3/2021
-OMS Holiness Church of North America
Praise the name of the Lord!
Even in the midst of the Corona pandemic, an online retreat was held this year. As you can see in the flyer below, the lecturer was Pastor Yuichiro Nakano, and he delivered a message, live from the Honolulu Christian Church, titled "Shine and Live" using as his scripture Philippians 2:15-16. We thank the Lord for the time of fellowship and prayer with our sister churches in the small groups after the meeting. Five people from our church were able to participate, and we received God's blessing in a new way by being able to participate remotely via ZOOM. We thank the Lord.
-OMS Holiness Church of North America
Praise the name of the Lord!
Even in the midst of the Corona pandemic, an online retreat was held this year. As you can see in the flyer below, the lecturer was Pastor Yuichiro Nakano, and he delivered a message, live from the Honolulu Christian Church, titled "Shine and Live" using as his scripture Philippians 2:15-16. We thank the Lord for the time of fellowship and prayer with our sister churches in the small groups after the meeting. Five people from our church were able to participate, and we received God's blessing in a new way by being able to participate remotely via ZOOM. We thank the Lord.
Fellowship with Rev. Kagiwada
Today, we invited Pastor Tetsuo Kagiwada, nicknamed Benkei Sensei, who has been serving in the U.S. for many years and has finished his pastorate at South Bay Japanese Church, and his wife, Yuriko, to join us via ZOOM before returning to Japan where Pastor Kagiwada is newly pastoring Asahi Church in Chiba Prefecture. We had a wonderful time of fellowship before they returned to Japan!
Our church has had the privilege of having him come all the way from California many times to deliver Sunday service messages, conduct Bible studies at home meetings, and lead training classes, etc. Words cannot express how much he has helped us. It was a truly blessed time for us to be able to see his face and talk with him, even though it was through ZOOM. We pray for God's abundant blessings on Sensei and his wife's pastoral care at Asahi Church, on his family, and on those who gather at the church in Japan.
Today, we invited Pastor Tetsuo Kagiwada, nicknamed Benkei Sensei, who has been serving in the U.S. for many years and has finished his pastorate at South Bay Japanese Church, and his wife, Yuriko, to join us via ZOOM before returning to Japan where Pastor Kagiwada is newly pastoring Asahi Church in Chiba Prefecture. We had a wonderful time of fellowship before they returned to Japan!
Our church has had the privilege of having him come all the way from California many times to deliver Sunday service messages, conduct Bible studies at home meetings, and lead training classes, etc. Words cannot express how much he has helped us. It was a truly blessed time for us to be able to see his face and talk with him, even though it was through ZOOM. We pray for God's abundant blessings on Sensei and his wife's pastoral care at Asahi Church, on his family, and on those who gather at the church in Japan.
Celebration get together for Rev. Shunji Mizoguchi's Retirement
Praise the name of the Lord!
Happy New Year!
Today we invited Rev. Shunji Mizoguchi, who retired at the end of last year after many years of pastoral service at the LA Holiness Church, and his wife Atsuko, and had a time to celebrate together his long pastoral ministry that has been blessed by God. Rev. Ichibei Honda and his wife Yunike of San Diego Japanese Church, Pastor Yoichi Nagashima of Shinshu Community Church in Nagano Prefecture, Pastor Ryuhei Sato of Chiba Church of Holy Christ Kyodan, as well as brothers and sisters from all over Japan, Canada, and other states participated. We enjoyed sharing many memorable photos, testimonies, and current ministries of each one of us.
On September 30, 1995, when the first meeting of our JCCT Church was held at the home of Mrs. Reiko Yoshitani, Rev. Mizoguchi came with Mr. Hideyo Ando (at present a pastor) and his wife from LA Holiness Church and shared the message titled "I am the vine" from John 15:5. He has been to our church countless times since then. We thank God for his services of the Sunday service message, communion, baptism, Bible study, and discussion about the appointment of a pastor. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Mizoguchi, their family, and all the brothers and sisters in the Lord at LA Holiness Church who have supported us with their prayers and donations over the years. We pray that God's great blessing will be upon them all.
Praise the name of the Lord!
Happy New Year!
Today we invited Rev. Shunji Mizoguchi, who retired at the end of last year after many years of pastoral service at the LA Holiness Church, and his wife Atsuko, and had a time to celebrate together his long pastoral ministry that has been blessed by God. Rev. Ichibei Honda and his wife Yunike of San Diego Japanese Church, Pastor Yoichi Nagashima of Shinshu Community Church in Nagano Prefecture, Pastor Ryuhei Sato of Chiba Church of Holy Christ Kyodan, as well as brothers and sisters from all over Japan, Canada, and other states participated. We enjoyed sharing many memorable photos, testimonies, and current ministries of each one of us.
On September 30, 1995, when the first meeting of our JCCT Church was held at the home of Mrs. Reiko Yoshitani, Rev. Mizoguchi came with Mr. Hideyo Ando (at present a pastor) and his wife from LA Holiness Church and shared the message titled "I am the vine" from John 15:5. He has been to our church countless times since then. We thank God for his services of the Sunday service message, communion, baptism, Bible study, and discussion about the appointment of a pastor. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Mizoguchi, their family, and all the brothers and sisters in the Lord at LA Holiness Church who have supported us with their prayers and donations over the years. We pray that God's great blessing will be upon them all.
Birthday celebration for Mrs. Reiko Yoshitani
We were blessed with a wonderful time to celebrate the birthday of our beloved sister Reiko Yoshitani via ZOOM. It has been a long time since we have seen everyone’s cheerful faces, and wonderful memories when we met and spent time together at JCCT came back to all of us. We thank the Lord for Reiko’s love for each participant and her wonderful gift of remembering everyone. She cherished the encounters with people whom the Lord Jesus allowed her to meet, sometimes a one-time encounter only, and she devoted herself to listening to their stories earnestly and getting to know them first. When that person meets Jesus, their soul is saved, and their life is transformed into a life "to please the Lord. The Lord's love is then transmitted through that person, and the world becomes a world overflowing with the Lord's love. The participants were again moved by her attitude and ministry of sowing the seeds of the gospel. We are blessed to be able to serve the Lord with the gifts of the spirit that we have received from the Lord in Japan, Canada, and the U.S., where we have been placed as part of God's plan. Let us keep in touch with each other as a family in the Lord, encouraging and supporting each other in our faith and spiritual growth! We pray for God's abundant blessings on you and your families as you love the Lord.
We were blessed with a wonderful time to celebrate the birthday of our beloved sister Reiko Yoshitani via ZOOM. It has been a long time since we have seen everyone’s cheerful faces, and wonderful memories when we met and spent time together at JCCT came back to all of us. We thank the Lord for Reiko’s love for each participant and her wonderful gift of remembering everyone. She cherished the encounters with people whom the Lord Jesus allowed her to meet, sometimes a one-time encounter only, and she devoted herself to listening to their stories earnestly and getting to know them first. When that person meets Jesus, their soul is saved, and their life is transformed into a life "to please the Lord. The Lord's love is then transmitted through that person, and the world becomes a world overflowing with the Lord's love. The participants were again moved by her attitude and ministry of sowing the seeds of the gospel. We are blessed to be able to serve the Lord with the gifts of the spirit that we have received from the Lord in Japan, Canada, and the U.S., where we have been placed as part of God's plan. Let us keep in touch with each other as a family in the Lord, encouraging and supporting each other in our faith and spiritual growth! We pray for God's abundant blessings on you and your families as you love the Lord.
Pastor Aki's last day at JCCT
February 23, 2020 was Pastor Aki's last worship service. It's hard to believe that eight years have passed already since he and Mandy first came to JCCT! We all want to thank Pastor Aki for his faithful ministry to us and the Tucson community during his time here. His devotion to the Lord has left a lasting mark on our hearts, and we will miss him and Mandy very, very much. Thank you, Pastor Aki and Mandy, and God bless you as you enter a new phase of your life.
February 23, 2020 was Pastor Aki's last worship service. It's hard to believe that eight years have passed already since he and Mandy first came to JCCT! We all want to thank Pastor Aki for his faithful ministry to us and the Tucson community during his time here. His devotion to the Lord has left a lasting mark on our hearts, and we will miss him and Mandy very, very much. Thank you, Pastor Aki and Mandy, and God bless you as you enter a new phase of your life.
Pastor Aki and Mandy's farewell party at Yasufumi's and Shiho's
We are blessed that so many people came to say goodbye to Pastor Aki, Mandy and little Winnie. Thank you for opening your house and for the special "Takoyaki." We all had a great time!
We are blessed that so many people came to say goodbye to Pastor Aki, Mandy and little Winnie. Thank you for opening your house and for the special "Takoyaki." We all had a great time!
JCCT's Outdoor Worship Service
We enjoyed God's creation as we worshiped the Lord on a beautiful late fall day, Sunday November 24th. Pastor Aki's message was from John 15:1-6. We had a wonderful fellowship time after worship service celebrating November birthdays, eating hamburgers & hotdogs and good homemade food, and playing a Bible trivia game, etc.
- photos by R.P. & J.G
We enjoyed God's creation as we worshiped the Lord on a beautiful late fall day, Sunday November 24th. Pastor Aki's message was from John 15:1-6. We had a wonderful fellowship time after worship service celebrating November birthdays, eating hamburgers & hotdogs and good homemade food, and playing a Bible trivia game, etc.
- photos by R.P. & J.G
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to all those born in September!
We really enjoyed the beautiful, tasty "succulent" cake, the perfect cake for Tucson. Thanks to our beloved sister in Christ and her family for bringing this delightful dessert.
Happy Birthday to all those born in September!
We really enjoyed the beautiful, tasty "succulent" cake, the perfect cake for Tucson. Thanks to our beloved sister in Christ and her family for bringing this delightful dessert.
Board of Deacons installation
At the worship service on July 28th, we had the installation of the new Board of Deacons of JCCT. We pray that God richly bless Pastor Aki and the new BOD members.
At the worship service on July 28th, we had the installation of the new Board of Deacons of JCCT. We pray that God richly bless Pastor Aki and the new BOD members.
Happy 93rd Birthday Kenji!
Today, we had a once a month potluck lunch and January birthday celebration together. We also celebrated our dear Kenji's 93rd birthday with his family. He has been faithfully attending church and growing in the Lord since five years ago and it is such an encouragement to all of us at JCCT. Mr. & Mrs. Yoshitani came all the way from California to celebrate his birthday, and Risa and Kenji's long time friends performed a beautiful Japanese dance. We also enjoyed listening to other church members' songs and piano, and violin performances, and we thank God for the wonderful time together as a church family.
May God bless Kenji and everyone!
Pictures below are courtesy of Mr. Yoshitani.
May God bless Kenji and everyone!
Pictures below are courtesy of Mr. Yoshitani.
Operation Christmas Child
After worship service many of us gathered to pack shoe boxes with toys, clothing, and school supplies, etc. for Operation Christmas Child of Samaritan's Purse ministry. We made 26 boxes, which were sent out to needy children around the world. We pray that this brightens some children's lives and shows the love of Christ. Many thanks to all those at JCCT who donated items, shipping fee, and their time.
Guest Speaker, Jon Heine and Our Guests, Reiko & Reo Yoshitani
We were blessed to have Jon Heine as a guest speaker today. Our brother, Jon Heine has ministered and taught the Bible to UA students for many years and is a longtime friend of JCCT since 1996. We were especially grateful for this wonderful opportunity and blessing God gave us. Jon delivered a powerful teaching to us entitled "How to Read the Old Testament in Light of the New Testament" from Psalms 25:12-13.
May God continue to richly bless Jon, and his ministry at University of Arizona.
We were also blessed by a visit by Reo and Reiko Yoshitani from San Fernando Valley in California. As you already know, Reiko Yoshitani is the founder of JCCT church in 1996. More than anyone, Reiko has a heart for our church and is always praying for us and our ministry. We pray that wherever she goes, especially Japan, God will continue to use her as a vessel full of Jesus' love to bless others.
Pictures below are courtesy of Reo Yoshitani
We were blessed to have Jon Heine as a guest speaker today. Our brother, Jon Heine has ministered and taught the Bible to UA students for many years and is a longtime friend of JCCT since 1996. We were especially grateful for this wonderful opportunity and blessing God gave us. Jon delivered a powerful teaching to us entitled "How to Read the Old Testament in Light of the New Testament" from Psalms 25:12-13.
May God continue to richly bless Jon, and his ministry at University of Arizona.
We were also blessed by a visit by Reo and Reiko Yoshitani from San Fernando Valley in California. As you already know, Reiko Yoshitani is the founder of JCCT church in 1996. More than anyone, Reiko has a heart for our church and is always praying for us and our ministry. We pray that wherever she goes, especially Japan, God will continue to use her as a vessel full of Jesus' love to bless others.
Pictures below are courtesy of Reo Yoshitani
A Blessed Wedding
Congratulations on your marriage, our sister in Christ!
The wedding ceremony of our beloved sister Ikuko and her husband was held on August 12, with Pastor Aki and Pastor Jin officiating. Ikuko's sister also came together from Japan and she sang a special Hymn, "Amazing Grace." Her beautiful song touched evryone. Before Ikuko went back to Japan in 2015, she had spent many years serving as a young leader in our church, including singing in worship praise teams, faithfully attending Bible classes, and visiting church members. We thank God for her continuous faithful works here and in Japan. We all pray that God will richly bless them in their new life together.
Congratulations on your marriage, our sister in Christ!
The wedding ceremony of our beloved sister Ikuko and her husband was held on August 12, with Pastor Aki and Pastor Jin officiating. Ikuko's sister also came together from Japan and she sang a special Hymn, "Amazing Grace." Her beautiful song touched evryone. Before Ikuko went back to Japan in 2015, she had spent many years serving as a young leader in our church, including singing in worship praise teams, faithfully attending Bible classes, and visiting church members. We thank God for her continuous faithful works here and in Japan. We all pray that God will richly bless them in their new life together.
Manna Bags for the Homeless
We often see homeless people standing on the corner with a cardboard sign that reads "Hungry, please help." And perhaps we are hesitant to give them money, but we really would like to help them in some way. Our sister Rachel took the initiative to organize, for the second time, the preparation of manna bags at our church. We put bottled water, toiletries, washcloths, socks, granola bars and other non perishable food in large Zip-loc bags and added a note of encouragement or a Scripture passage in the bag as well. Church members then took the finished bags to keep handy in their cars to hand them out to those in need. We pray that whoever receives these will know the love of God. On this day we also said goodbye to Rachel, who will be leaving to attend seminary. We pray God will continue to use her mightily.
Blessed to Be Members of God's Family
Congratulations to our brother and sisters in Christ--Eri, Yurika, Pengjie--on your graduation from the University of Arizona!
We are very proud of you all for your hard work at your work places and in your studies, and for your service to our church all these years. We thank God for your graduation from the bottom of our heart. We pray for continued abundant blessings from God as you each faithfully serve Him in your lives.
Family members of our three UA graduates attended the graduation ceremony from Tokyo, Kurume, Fukuoka and Shanghai, and also attended our Sunday worship service.
Their mothers, Hikari and Kuniko, and Yurika’s sister Aika have served as a Sunday School teacher, as a worship praise singer and as a keyboard player at our church when they lived in Tucson. Currently they are serving at their own home churches in Tokyo and Kurume. We pray for God's grace and blessings on their churches. For the first time in a while, we were able to praise God by singing together, "How Great Thou Art."
We thank Him for His grace and mercy. on us.
We are very proud of you all for your hard work at your work places and in your studies, and for your service to our church all these years. We thank God for your graduation from the bottom of our heart. We pray for continued abundant blessings from God as you each faithfully serve Him in your lives.
Family members of our three UA graduates attended the graduation ceremony from Tokyo, Kurume, Fukuoka and Shanghai, and also attended our Sunday worship service.
Their mothers, Hikari and Kuniko, and Yurika’s sister Aika have served as a Sunday School teacher, as a worship praise singer and as a keyboard player at our church when they lived in Tucson. Currently they are serving at their own home churches in Tokyo and Kurume. We pray for God's grace and blessings on their churches. For the first time in a while, we were able to praise God by singing together, "How Great Thou Art."
We thank Him for His grace and mercy. on us.
Happy 92nd Birthday Kenji!
Happy Birthday Alex, Penji and Yasufumi!
Today, we had a once a month potluck lunch and January birthday celebration together. We also celebrated our dear Kenji's 92nd birthday as a surprise present. He has been faithfully attending church and growing in the Lord since four years ago and it is such an encouragement to all of us at JCCT. Reiko came all the way from California to celebrate his birthday, and one of his long time friends, Mari, teacher of traditional Japanese dance, performed a beautiful dance with one of our church members. We also enjoyed listening to other church members' songs and piano performances, and we thank God for the wonderful time together as a church family.
May God bless Kenji and everyone!
Happy Birthday Alex, Penji and Yasufumi!
Today, we had a once a month potluck lunch and January birthday celebration together. We also celebrated our dear Kenji's 92nd birthday as a surprise present. He has been faithfully attending church and growing in the Lord since four years ago and it is such an encouragement to all of us at JCCT. Reiko came all the way from California to celebrate his birthday, and one of his long time friends, Mari, teacher of traditional Japanese dance, performed a beautiful dance with one of our church members. We also enjoyed listening to other church members' songs and piano performances, and we thank God for the wonderful time together as a church family.
May God bless Kenji and everyone!
Baby Dedication
Today we celebrated the baby dedication of Kento (7 months old, son of Brian and Aya).
A baby dedication is a way that parents can make a public statement of faith to raise their child in a Godly way, as well as a way the community of faith can commit to help spiritually support the baby and his family.
May God richly bless Kento as he grows, and we pray for abundant blessings on his family.
Today we celebrated the baby dedication of Kento (7 months old, son of Brian and Aya).
A baby dedication is a way that parents can make a public statement of faith to raise their child in a Godly way, as well as a way the community of faith can commit to help spiritually support the baby and his family.
May God richly bless Kento as he grows, and we pray for abundant blessings on his family.
Baptism ceremony -12/16/2017
Many blessings and best wishes to you, Sandy, Mariko and Tadaomi.
They were baptized by Pastor Aki at the backyard of Tadaomi's house. Pastor Aki and many friends and family members all prayed, sang a praise song together, and witnessed their testimonies and baptisms.
May God richly bless them as they continues to walk with the Lord!
Many blessings and best wishes to you, Sandy, Mariko and Tadaomi.
They were baptized by Pastor Aki at the backyard of Tadaomi's house. Pastor Aki and many friends and family members all prayed, sang a praise song together, and witnessed their testimonies and baptisms.
May God richly bless them as they continues to walk with the Lord!
Rikiya Asai Documentary Film, "The Calling" -From the heaven-
You are invited to our special movie event on Sunday, December 17 !
We are showing the movie, "The Calling" below right after our service.
Pizza lunch will be provided. Bring your family and friends, everyone is welcome!
We are showing the movie, "The Calling" below right after our service.
Pizza lunch will be provided. Bring your family and friends, everyone is welcome!
What an encouraging visit!
At our worship service on November 19th we were blessed with the presence of some wonderful sisters in Christ. We are so grateful to Him for sending these women to us so that we could worship our Lord together. These four ladies, known throughout the Conference (OMS Holiness Church of North America) for their faithfulness to the Lord, had just completed an enjoyable trip to New Mexico and were on their way back to Los Angeles when they went out of their way to stop by Tucson and pay a visit to JCCT. After our service we were able to share a joyous time of fellowship with them over lunch, and felt so very blessed that they graced us with their presence.
For over twenty years JCCT has received faithful prayer and financial support from so many of our sister churches in the Conference, and through this we have been able to share the Gospel in Tucson and surrounding areas. Pastor Aki and all the members of JCCT pray for God's abundant blessings on the churches these ladies of faith have served so long and so devotedly -the LA Holiness Church and West Covina Church- as well as on all our other sister churches.
At our worship service on November 19th we were blessed with the presence of some wonderful sisters in Christ. We are so grateful to Him for sending these women to us so that we could worship our Lord together. These four ladies, known throughout the Conference (OMS Holiness Church of North America) for their faithfulness to the Lord, had just completed an enjoyable trip to New Mexico and were on their way back to Los Angeles when they went out of their way to stop by Tucson and pay a visit to JCCT. After our service we were able to share a joyous time of fellowship with them over lunch, and felt so very blessed that they graced us with their presence.
For over twenty years JCCT has received faithful prayer and financial support from so many of our sister churches in the Conference, and through this we have been able to share the Gospel in Tucson and surrounding areas. Pastor Aki and all the members of JCCT pray for God's abundant blessings on the churches these ladies of faith have served so long and so devotedly -the LA Holiness Church and West Covina Church- as well as on all our other sister churches.
Operation Christmas Child
After worship service many of us gathered to pack shoe boxes with toys, clothing, and school supplies, etc. for Operation Christmas Child. We met our goal of over 20 boxes, which were sent out to needy children around the world. We pray that this brightens some children's lives and shows the love of Christ. Many thanks to all those at JCCT who donated items, shipping fee, and their time. Our thanks to Junna & Tamao for organizing this event.
After worship service many of us gathered to pack shoe boxes with toys, clothing, and school supplies, etc. for Operation Christmas Child. We met our goal of over 20 boxes, which were sent out to needy children around the world. We pray that this brightens some children's lives and shows the love of Christ. Many thanks to all those at JCCT who donated items, shipping fee, and their time. Our thanks to Junna & Tamao for organizing this event.
Outdoor Worship Service/Potluck Lunch at Fort Lowell Park -10/15/2017
Praise the Lord!
It was such a beautiful sunny day, not too hot for Tucson, and we were blessed to listen to Vitelio's amazing testimony. After the service, we enjoyed a lot of good food and a wonderful time of fellowship. Thank you Pastor Aki for cooking hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone!
Praise the Lord!
It was such a beautiful sunny day, not too hot for Tucson, and we were blessed to listen to Vitelio's amazing testimony. After the service, we enjoyed a lot of good food and a wonderful time of fellowship. Thank you Pastor Aki for cooking hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone!
Baptism ceremony -7/2/2017
Hallelujah! Many blessings and best wishes to you, Yasufumi!
A baptism ceremony for Yasufumi was held during JCCT worship service on July 2nd. It was filled with the Holy Spirit and we were very blessed to witness his baptism.
He wished to also have immersion baptism with his whole family present, on July 5th, so he invited all of the church members and their friends to their home, and he was baptized by Pastor Aki in a swimming pool in his backyard. Pastor Aki and we all prayed, sang a praise song together, and witnessed Yasufumi's testimony and baptism.
May God richly bless brother Yasufumi as he continues to walk with the Lord!
May God richly bless brother Yasufumi as he continues to walk with the Lord!
Visit to JCCT by Bryce -5/21/2017
At the end of May we were blessed with a visit by Bryce of Crossway Church, San Fernando Valley in California, one of our sister churches. He held a two-day seminar for JCCT leaders and members on how to build and maintain a healthy church. Bryce's teachings gave us all much to think about as we move forward to grow our church based on solid Biblical principles. Thank you, Bryce, for your dedication to God and for your servant's heart.
College Group Praise Team -5/14/2017
On Mother's Day, May 14, some of our JCCT college students and young people led praise songs on keyboard, guitar, percussion, and with their beautiful voices. We had heard them practicing for many weeks out in the courtyard and elsewhere around church, and it was such a blessing when they stepped forward and lifted their voices in praise to the Lord. Their dedication and love for God is an inspiration to all of us. Now that's it's summer, many of the college students are out of town, but we look forward to a reprise of their worship music sometime in the fall.
Guest Speaker, Rev. In (Jin) Hyun -3/12/2017
We were blessed by a visit by Rev. Hyun of Crossway Church of San Fernando Valley in California, one of our sister churches. Rev. Hyun was accompanied by his wife Noriko and their four children. We were specially grateful for this wonderful opportunity and blessing God gave us.
From 2006-2011, Rev. Hyun was our full time pastor at JCCT, and always served the church and Tucson community with loving care and devotion. On his visit this time Rev. Hyun delivered a powerful message to us entitled "Keep Your Faith," from 2 Timothy 4:6-8. Are we fighting the good fight, and keeping the faith in our walk with the Lord? Rev. Hyun challenged us to ask ourselves this question each and every day. It was so wonderful to see Rev. Hyun and his family again (and to see how big his children have grown!)
May God continue to richly bless him, his family, and his ministry in Crossway Church.
We were blessed by a visit by Rev. Hyun of Crossway Church of San Fernando Valley in California, one of our sister churches. Rev. Hyun was accompanied by his wife Noriko and their four children. We were specially grateful for this wonderful opportunity and blessing God gave us.
From 2006-2011, Rev. Hyun was our full time pastor at JCCT, and always served the church and Tucson community with loving care and devotion. On his visit this time Rev. Hyun delivered a powerful message to us entitled "Keep Your Faith," from 2 Timothy 4:6-8. Are we fighting the good fight, and keeping the faith in our walk with the Lord? Rev. Hyun challenged us to ask ourselves this question each and every day. It was so wonderful to see Rev. Hyun and his family again (and to see how big his children have grown!)
May God continue to richly bless him, his family, and his ministry in Crossway Church.
Farewell Appreciation Lunch for Aika & Celebration for Kenji's 91st Birthday
After worship service we held a farewell appreciation lunch for Aika, who has served JCCT as one of the worship team members, playing piano, and is now returning to Japan. She successfully completed her Master's program in music at the U of A. We also celebrated Kenji's 91st birthday. We all enjoyed Aika, Shiho and Ayla's piano performances, Suzuyuki kai's Japanese dance & drum performances, and "Soran Bushi Dance" by a U of A student group, "Nakama." Many thanks to all those who performed, and may God richly bless Aika and Kenji as they continue to walk with the Lord.
After worship service we held a farewell appreciation lunch for Aika, who has served JCCT as one of the worship team members, playing piano, and is now returning to Japan. She successfully completed her Master's program in music at the U of A. We also celebrated Kenji's 91st birthday. We all enjoyed Aika, Shiho and Ayla's piano performances, Suzuyuki kai's Japanese dance & drum performances, and "Soran Bushi Dance" by a U of A student group, "Nakama." Many thanks to all those who performed, and may God richly bless Aika and Kenji as they continue to walk with the Lord.
Operation Christmas Child
After worship service many of us gathered to pack shoeboxes with toys, clothing, and school supplies for Operation Christmas Child. We met our goal of over 50 boxes, which were sent out to needy children around the world. We pray that this brightens some children's lives and shows the love of Christ. Many thanks to all those at JCCT who donated items, shipping fee, and their time.
After worship service many of us gathered to pack shoeboxes with toys, clothing, and school supplies for Operation Christmas Child. We met our goal of over 50 boxes, which were sent out to needy children around the world. We pray that this brightens some children's lives and shows the love of Christ. Many thanks to all those at JCCT who donated items, shipping fee, and their time.
Mariachi Band Performance
After our monthly potluck lunch we were blessed to have a performance by the Mariachi Herencia Musical mariachi group. We are thankful to them for blessing us with their presence and lively performance of instrumental and vocal numbers. Some people who attended church today had never heard live mariachi music before, and everyone enjoyed it very much! We would like to express special thanks to our longtime friend Ms. Craig, her daughter, and to Kenji, for arranging this wonderful time of music and fellowship.
After our monthly potluck lunch we were blessed to have a performance by the Mariachi Herencia Musical mariachi group. We are thankful to them for blessing us with their presence and lively performance of instrumental and vocal numbers. Some people who attended church today had never heard live mariachi music before, and everyone enjoyed it very much! We would like to express special thanks to our longtime friend Ms. Craig, her daughter, and to Kenji, for arranging this wonderful time of music and fellowship.
Guest speaker: Rev. Dennis Folds
Today we welcomed Rev. Dennis Folds of Tokyo Baptist Church, who blessed us with an inspiring message.
Entitled "Is Life Meaningless?" his sermon was based on Ecclesiastes 1: 1-18, and concluded that "Without God in everything, everything is meaningless...Apart from God there is no purpose." This powerful message can be heard on this website, and we encourage everyone to listen again, or for the first time. Rev. Folds and his wife have a house in Tucson and visit our city several times each year. We are greatly encouraged whenever they visit, and we pray that God will continue to bless their ministry both in Japan and the US.
Today we welcomed Rev. Dennis Folds of Tokyo Baptist Church, who blessed us with an inspiring message.
Entitled "Is Life Meaningless?" his sermon was based on Ecclesiastes 1: 1-18, and concluded that "Without God in everything, everything is meaningless...Apart from God there is no purpose." This powerful message can be heard on this website, and we encourage everyone to listen again, or for the first time. Rev. Folds and his wife have a house in Tucson and visit our city several times each year. We are greatly encouraged whenever they visit, and we pray that God will continue to bless their ministry both in Japan and the US.
Welcome to nine new members of JCCT!
Led by the Lord, nine new members joined our church recently. After taking a membership class, they officially became church members during worship service on April 3rd. We welcome them all to JCCT and look forward to serving the Lord together.
May God richly bless them and their families!
Led by the Lord, nine new members joined our church recently. After taking a membership class, they officially became church members during worship service on April 3rd. We welcome them all to JCCT and look forward to serving the Lord together.
May God richly bless them and their families!
Palm Sunday - 3/20/2016
Kenji's 90th Birthday celebration - 1/31/2016
JCCT information desk -1/9/2016
SAJCC(Southern Arizona Japanese Cultural Coalition
held the 3rd annual Tucson Mochitsuki Festival at the Pima Community College, downtown campus and
we had a JCCT information table. Pastor Aki, Mandy and Anna prayed New Year blessing prayers for several people in the special back corner. Wayne was chair of the event, Min was MC, and there were many other volunteers from JCCT, including Yurika who sang Japanese songs. The event was a great success with over 600 people participating.
SAJCC(Southern Arizona Japanese Cultural Coalition
held the 3rd annual Tucson Mochitsuki Festival at the Pima Community College, downtown campus and
we had a JCCT information table. Pastor Aki, Mandy and Anna prayed New Year blessing prayers for several people in the special back corner. Wayne was chair of the event, Min was MC, and there were many other volunteers from JCCT, including Yurika who sang Japanese songs. The event was a great success with over 600 people participating.
Guest Speaker, Pastor Yoichi Nagashima -12/27/2015
This spring marks JCCT's twentieth anniversary as a church, and to help mark this occasion we were blessed by a visit by Pastor Yoichi Nagashima of the Shinshu Community Church in Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. We were sp grateful for this wonderful oppotunity and blessing God gave us.
Twenty years ago Pastor Nagashima was a student in the graduate program in architecture at the University of Arizona. Reiko, founder of JCCT, invited him to a small group Bible study (koinonia), where he was active in outreach to other Japanese, and his visit to Tucson this time reminded us again of how from the very founding of our church God has used Pastor Nagashima as a faithful servant to spread the Gospel. After graduating from the UA, Pastor Nagashima studied at a seminary in San Francisco and got married. This year marks fifteen years of marriage for him and his wife. After seminary Pastor Nagashima moved to Nagano Prefecture and is now ministering as a pastor of the Shinshu Community Church.
In the worship service Pastor Nagashima preached on Genesis chapter 1, discussing the “gap theory” that posits a gap in time between verses one and two, from the perfect creation of the world to chaos and disorder. He told us how through the Holy Spirit order was brought out of chaos and how life began. Pastor Nagashima went on to examine Revelation 22:5, how the Bible both begins with God’s glory shining in the darkness, and how, in this final book of the Bible, it ends, too, with the light of God’s glory. Pastor Nagashima’s heartfelt, moving message reminds us of how we must always live our lives focused on the glory of God, ever mindful of three indispensible elements of faith: God’s word, prayer, and God’s great love for us (1John 4:16). We are so grateful to the Lord for bringing Pastor Nagashima back to us for this day, and for reminding us of these eternal truths. May God continue to richly bless him, his family, and his work in Japan.
This spring marks JCCT's twentieth anniversary as a church, and to help mark this occasion we were blessed by a visit by Pastor Yoichi Nagashima of the Shinshu Community Church in Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. We were sp grateful for this wonderful oppotunity and blessing God gave us.
Twenty years ago Pastor Nagashima was a student in the graduate program in architecture at the University of Arizona. Reiko, founder of JCCT, invited him to a small group Bible study (koinonia), where he was active in outreach to other Japanese, and his visit to Tucson this time reminded us again of how from the very founding of our church God has used Pastor Nagashima as a faithful servant to spread the Gospel. After graduating from the UA, Pastor Nagashima studied at a seminary in San Francisco and got married. This year marks fifteen years of marriage for him and his wife. After seminary Pastor Nagashima moved to Nagano Prefecture and is now ministering as a pastor of the Shinshu Community Church.
In the worship service Pastor Nagashima preached on Genesis chapter 1, discussing the “gap theory” that posits a gap in time between verses one and two, from the perfect creation of the world to chaos and disorder. He told us how through the Holy Spirit order was brought out of chaos and how life began. Pastor Nagashima went on to examine Revelation 22:5, how the Bible both begins with God’s glory shining in the darkness, and how, in this final book of the Bible, it ends, too, with the light of God’s glory. Pastor Nagashima’s heartfelt, moving message reminds us of how we must always live our lives focused on the glory of God, ever mindful of three indispensible elements of faith: God’s word, prayer, and God’s great love for us (1John 4:16). We are so grateful to the Lord for bringing Pastor Nagashima back to us for this day, and for reminding us of these eternal truths. May God continue to richly bless him, his family, and his work in Japan.
Building Dedication Worship Service -11/22/2015
We celebrated the time to give an offering of praise and thanksgiving to our LORD to show our appreciation for the new location. We now can have Sunday worship services in Koch Chapel on the campus of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church.
We celebrated the time to give an offering of praise and thanksgiving to our LORD to show our appreciation for the new location. We now can have Sunday worship services in Koch Chapel on the campus of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church.
JCCT's Outdoor Worship Service -10/18/2015
We enjoyed God's creation as we worshiped the Lord on a beautiful fall day, Sunday, October 18th.
Pastor Aki's message was from 2 Timothy 1:8-10. We had a wonderful fellowship time after the worship service praying for each other, eating BBQ & good homemade food and chatting. We also enjoyed Suzuyuki kai's amazing Taiko and Japanese dance performance. Leiola and her student danced "Amazing Grace" gospel hula and taught us some hula dance, too. Big thanks to all the participants! -photos by Ted
We enjoyed God's creation as we worshiped the Lord on a beautiful fall day, Sunday, October 18th.
Pastor Aki's message was from 2 Timothy 1:8-10. We had a wonderful fellowship time after the worship service praying for each other, eating BBQ & good homemade food and chatting. We also enjoyed Suzuyuki kai's amazing Taiko and Japanese dance performance. Leiola and her student danced "Amazing Grace" gospel hula and taught us some hula dance, too. Big thanks to all the participants! -photos by Ted
JCCT's New Location: Sunday Worship Service -10/4/2015
We started to have our Sunday Worship Service in Koch Chapel on the campus of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church at the corner of Campbell Ave. & Speedway Blvd.
We started to have our Sunday Worship Service in Koch Chapel on the campus of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church at the corner of Campbell Ave. & Speedway Blvd.
Guest Speaker: David & his wife, Yuka 8/30/2015
"Ashram" prayer meeting and dinner at Reiko's house in Tucson
"Ashram" prayer meeting and dinner at Reiko's house in Tucson
Christmas 2014
Dinner with Reiko
Dinner with Reiko
Junna and Tome's Baptism at Pastor Aki's backyard
Junna and Tome's Baptism at Pastor Aki's backyard
Below are photos taken during the Suzuyuki-kai performance
Below are photos taken during the Suzuyuki-kai performance
God bless you, Martin! -6/25/2014
On June 25th the JCCT Men's Bible Study Group joined in fellowship at a local Mexican restaurant to bid farewell to Men's Group member Martin. Martin, who has been attending JCCT for the past year, is moving to
Nashville, Tennessee to pursue his writing and film projects. Martin's novel "Wounded Tiger," on the WW II Japanese pilot Mitsuo Fuchida, is a moving account of how Fuchida came to faith in Christ. We are grateful for Martin's sharing on this project, and for the faith God has given him that has sustained him through years of research and writing.
We will miss Martin, and we pray that God will continue to richly bless him and his work for the Lord wherever he goes. Hope to see you in Tucson again someday, Martin!
On June 25th the JCCT Men's Bible Study Group joined in fellowship at a local Mexican restaurant to bid farewell to Men's Group member Martin. Martin, who has been attending JCCT for the past year, is moving to
Nashville, Tennessee to pursue his writing and film projects. Martin's novel "Wounded Tiger," on the WW II Japanese pilot Mitsuo Fuchida, is a moving account of how Fuchida came to faith in Christ. We are grateful for Martin's sharing on this project, and for the faith God has given him that has sustained him through years of research and writing.
We will miss Martin, and we pray that God will continue to richly bless him and his work for the Lord wherever he goes. Hope to see you in Tucson again someday, Martin!
Guest Speaker - Bryce from Crossway Church in San Fernando Valley, CA 5/4/2014
Danielle's Baptism at Pastor Aki's backyard 4/20/2014
Kenji's Baptism ceremony 1/26/2014
Hallelujah! Many blessings and best wishes to you, Kenji!
Baptism ceremony for Kenji was held on Sunday, January 26th, 2014 on his 88th birthday. We were very blessed to witness his baptism with Pastor & Mrs. Aki Kawamata and all the church members, his family members, and many of his friends who came from Phoenix and Sierra Vista.
Let us pray for blessings upon this new member of God's family and that he may always walk in the Lord.
Baptism ceremony for Kenji was held on Sunday, January 26th, 2014 on his 88th birthday. We were very blessed to witness his baptism with Pastor & Mrs. Aki Kawamata and all the church members, his family members, and many of his friends who came from Phoenix and Sierra Vista.
Let us pray for blessings upon this new member of God's family and that he may always walk in the Lord.
Christmas Worship Service - 12/22/2013
Pastor Aki Kawamata delivered the Christmas message, “Back to Basics: Righteousness" from
Matthew 5:17-20, Psalm 11:7, 34:19, Proverbs 15:9 and Romans 3:22 and other scriptures.
Pastor Aki Kawamata delivered the Christmas message, “Back to Basics: Righteousness" from
Matthew 5:17-20, Psalm 11:7, 34:19, Proverbs 15:9 and Romans 3:22 and other scriptures.
JCCT Outdoor Worship Service & Fellowship lunch at Catalina State Park
Pastor Aki delivered the message from Revelation chapter 3.
Suzuyuki-kai Taiko-za performed Taiko and Japanese folk dances during our picnic lunch time.
Thanksgiving Worship Service -11/18/2012
"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and unto His courts with praise: give thanks unto Him, and bless His name."
- Psalm 100:4
Pastor Aki Kawamata delivered the Thanksgiving message, “The Father’s Love; Give, Invite, Sacrifice" from John 3:16.
JCCT Outdoor Worship Service and picnic at Catalina State Park
Pastor Aki leading praise songs
We enjoyed God's creation as we worshiped the Lord
in a beautiful desert setting on Sunday, October 21st.
Pastor Aki's message title was " Love Never Fails; The Father's Love" from
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-11.
We had a wonderful fellowship time after the worship service praying for each other, eating good food, chatting, and playing many fun games.
in a beautiful desert setting on Sunday, October 21st.
Pastor Aki's message title was " Love Never Fails; The Father's Love" from
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-11.
We had a wonderful fellowship time after the worship service praying for each other, eating good food, chatting, and playing many fun games.
Kazumi's Baptism -8/15/2012
Let's pray together for God's continued blessings on our sister, Kazumi!
Let's pray together for God's continued blessings on our sister, Kazumi!
Video streaming message worship service- Pastor Makoto Okura - 4/17/2012
Pastor Aki Kawamata's Installation Ceremony - 3/25/2012
Rev. Shunji Mizoguchi of the LA Holiness Church was our guest speaker and officiated at the installation ceremony. We are so blessed to have Pastor Aki and his wife Mandy ministering to us and the community in Tucson. Together we look forward to a fruitful ministry as we work together for the Lord.
Rev. Jin Hyun's last day at JCCT - 7/31/2011
Thank you and goodbye Hyun Family.
God bless you!
JCCT 15th anniversary-3/27/2011
We had the JCCT 15th Anniversary Celebration worship service and about 100 people attended. We had a very blessed time to praise God to thank Him for leading JCCT to this day with His faithful love and grace. We welcomed a special guest speaker, former JCCT Pastor Ichibei Honda, his family and 8 other members of the San Diego Japanese Church. 5 sisters in Christ danced Gosped hula to praise the Lord during the lunch hour. Hallelujah!
We had the JCCT 15th Anniversary Celebration worship service and about 100 people attended. We had a very blessed time to praise God to thank Him for leading JCCT to this day with His faithful love and grace. We welcomed a special guest speaker, former JCCT Pastor Ichibei Honda, his family and 8 other members of the San Diego Japanese Church. 5 sisters in Christ danced Gosped hula to praise the Lord during the lunch hour. Hallelujah!
Guest speaker: Pastor Kazuo Ozaki -10/17/2010
Guest speaker: Kevin and Nozomi West -9/1/2010